We thank…
- All of our amazing volunteers who give up so much time!
- The fabulous Barbara Martin
- All the partners of our volunteers: Jane Cowley, Sue Brooker, Lyn Elrick, Donna Gilbert, Christina Kirkham, Jess,
- Paul Goring, Rye Town Crier
- Ita Wise and everyone at Eater’s Cafe
- Robin Lyons and the Royal Oak
- Matty’s Monday Club
- Sarah G and The Other Three
- Our very own Pett Slip Buoys
- Philippa Strickland
- Roger’s Walking Sticks
- Charmaine – Sisters Sleek N Sips
- Mr & Mrs Wiggins
- May Farm Ice Cream
- Chicken Rescue
- Mo Senior Pickles
- Laura Turner
- Catherine Wall – Jewels of the Sea
- Love n Lollipops
- Susan Goodwin hand crafted jewellery
- Pam Drew
- Helen Farnes
- Sarah Stone face painting
- Beckie kids tattoos
- Crazy Cords
Supporting agencies
- HM Coastguard Rye Bay
- Rother Responders
- Strandliners
- Greene King
- Royal Oak
- Cove
- Ascension Cider
Parking / set up
- Riddlecourt
- Fairlight Hall
- Fairlight Village Hall
- Meridien toilet hire
Raffle and donators
- Hammond Drysuits
- Survitec
- Carr Taylor Vineyards
- Jamie Wickens Butchers
- Combe Haven Holiday Park
- Hair Base Fairlight
- KT Bruce Photographer
- Zana Duthie
Plus everyone who donated a cake or a bottle for the tombola.